
The moving cat sheds, and, having shed, moves on.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Young man, etc. 

For reasons best left to the mists of time, I have a copy of Popular Mechanics, dating from 1922. It's quite a hefty volume - almost 200 pages - and is missing the covers, but apart from that it's in pretty good nicker. Like publications of today, the most interesting and revealing bits are the advertisements, of which there are many. There are quite a few selling tyres, and also several offering help to quit smoking or chewing tobacco - evidently they had only just found out that it was bad for you. There is also one gem headed, "If you really want to be a BIGGER MAN... Ask for a copy of this booklet". Woah! I thought, upon seeing it. Be a BIGGER MAN? The 1922 print version of those viagra spam emails? Further reading revealed slight disappointment:

"It is a frank, man-to-man discussion of personal development that we are glad to send every ambitious young man. It does not paint any "blue-sky dreams" that you cannot realize, but it tells how we are helping thousands of young men to make the most of their study hours. We will also give you the "Six Reasons" why you should select the United Y.M.C.A. Schools to help you to qualify for greater responsibility, more congenial or better-paying work, and larger manhood. Our friendly counsel is free."

Oh. It's the YMCA. That's okay then, all quite innoc- Woah! Hold on! Rewind... "larger manhood"? Hmm, maybe it is for the 1922 equivalent of viagra after all.
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